Chicken filet with heavy cream and vegetables — куриное филе рецепт на английском языке

(Kurinoe file v slivkah s ovoschami) Servings: 4 2 medium carrots 2 medium onions 2 oz vegetable oil 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breast 1 pt heavy cream Half a teaspoon salt This is a very quick and easy dish. Slice the onions in semicircles and coarsely grate the carrots. Place the vegetables into a […]

Vitamin salad — витаминный салат рецепт на английском языке

(Salat Vitaminnyi) Servings: 4-6 1 lb green cabbage 1 carrot 1 apple (Granny Smith) half teaspoon salt Juice of half a lemon 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil Convert units This salad is traditionally made in early spring in Russia. It’s prepared from produce that was typically stored from fall and kept till spring: cabbage, apples and…

Stolichny (Capital) Salad — рецепт на английском — столичный салат

(Столичный салат, Stolichny salat) Servings: 4 1 lb chicken leg quarters 2 medium potatoes 2 pickles 2-3 tablespoons canned green peas 2 hard-boiled eggs 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Salt Convert units This salad is very similar to the famous Olivier (Russian salad) – the only two differences are that it’s made with chicken but without carrots.…

Easter Cake (Kulitch) — рецепт на английском языке — кулич

(Пасхальный кулич, Paskhal’nyi kulich) Ingredients for 8 cakes: 4 eggs 0.5 quart milk 6-8 tablespoons sugar 1 packet dry yeast (0.4 oz) or 2 oz fresh yeast 2 teaspoons finely ground salt 2.2 lbs all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon vanilla 0.5 lb dried fruit (apricots, raisins, cherries, etc.) 6 oz butter 4 oz powdered sugar Round…

Рецепт салата на английском языке

Предлагаем вашему вниманию рецепт салата на английском языке: Salad recipe: The first, we need to cut 300 grams of chicken fillet cubes preferably small. After that, the meat is roasted in olive oil until golden brown. To get even more tasty chicken in oil, you can add a couple of cloves of crushed garlic. Once…

Vegetable soup (Овощной суп) — рецепт на английском с переводом

Ingredients (Ингредиенты): three onions (3 луковицы); three turnips (3 репы); one carrot (одна морковь); four potatoes (четыре картофелины); 100 g butter (100 грамм сливочного масла); 150 g ham (150 грамм ветчины); a bunch of parsley (один пучок петрушки); a spoonful of flour (1 ложка муки); 2 litres of broth (2 литра бульона); 0.5 litre of boiling milk (0.5 литра кипяченого молока); a pinch of salt and sugar…

Рецепт окрошки на английском языке

Предлагаем вашему вниманию рецепт окрошки на английском языке. Okroshka recipe There is nothing better than Russian okroshka on a hot summer day. This dish refreshes excellently and makes you feel good.  This is quite easy to prepare but the result will please your family. Traditionally okroshka has been cooked with kvass. Required Products: potatoes –…